IF ... ELSEIF constructs should end with ELSE clauses
This rule states that IF...ELSEIF constructs should always end with an ELSE clause. This means that any IF...ELSEIF construct should have an ELSE clause at the end, which will be executed if none of the other conditions in the IF...ELSEIF construct are met. This ensures that all possible conditions are accounted for and that no unintended behavior occurs.
Key Benefits
- Simplicity : IF ... ELSEIF constructs allow for simple and straightforward coding.
- Flexibility : IF ... ELSEIF constructs provide flexibility in coding decisions, allowing for multiple options.
- Readability : IF ... ELSEIF constructs make code easier to read and understand.
- Efficiency : IF ... ELSEIF constructs should end with ELSE clauses to ensure efficient execution.
Non-compliant Code Example
function string TestFunctionCall (string cnt)
if cnt = 1 then
messagebox('cnt = 1')
elseif cnt = 2 then
messagebox('cnt = 2')
end if //Non compliant code (ELSE clause is missing)
return cnt
end function
Compliant Code Example
function string TestFunctionCall (string cnt)
if cnt = 1 then
messagebox('cnt = 1')
elseif cnt = 2 then
messagebox('cnt = 2')
else //Compliant code
messagebox('cnt > 2')
end if
return cnt
end function