SOAP and INET objects should not be used
This rule states that the SOAP and INET objects should not be used when writing PowerBuilder code. These objects are not supported by PowerBuilder and can cause instability and unexpected behavior. Instead, developers should use other supported objects such as the Web Service Proxy or the HTTP Client object. Using these objects will ensure that the code is stable and reliable.
Key Benefits
- Security: SOAP and INET objects can be easily exploited, making them a security risk.
- Performance: SOAP and INET objects can slow down the performance of an application.
- Maintenance: SOAP and INET objects require frequent maintenance and updates.
Non-compliant Code Example
global function string hyperlinktourl (integer id) integer li_rc inet iinet_base veinet veiinet_base iinet_base = CREATE inet veiinet_base = CREATE veinet SetPointer(HourGlass!) li_rc = &iinet_base.HyperlinkToURL("https://www.visual-expert.com") li_rc = veiinet_base.HyperlinkToURL("https://www.visual-expert.com") DESTROY iinet_base Return "" end function
global function string getUrl (integer id) integer li_rc inet linet_main internetresult luo_data // as defined above veinet veiinet veinternetresult veluo_data veiinet = CREATE veinet linet_main = CREATE inet luo_data = CREATE internetresult SetPointer(HourGlass!) li_rc = & linet_main.GetURL("https://www.visual-expert.com", luo_data) li_rc = & linet_main.GetURL("https://www.visual-expert.com", veluo_data) li_rc = veiinet.GetURL("https://www.visual-expert.com", luo_data) li_rc = veiinet.GetURL("https://www.visual-expert.com", veluo_data) SetPointer(Arrow!) IF li_rc = 1 THEN MessageBox("Success!", string(luo_data)) ELSE MessageBox("Failure!", "Oops rc:" + string(li_rc)) END IF DESTROY luo_data DESTROY linet_main Return " end function
global function string postUrl (integer id) Blob lblb_args String ls_headers String ls_url Long ll_length inet iinet veinet veiinet veinternetresult iir_msgbox iinet = CREATE inet veiinet = CREATE veinet iir_msgbox = CREATE veinternetresult ls_url = "https://www.visual-expert.com/" ls_url += "EN/powerbuilder-code-pb/" ls_url += "function-source-analysis-documentation-impact.html?" lblb_args = blob("") ll_length = Len(lblb_args) ls_headers = "Content-Length: " & +String(ll_length) + "~n~n" iinet.PostURL & (ls_url, lblb_args, ls_headers, 8080, iir_msgbox) veiinet.PostURL & (ls_url, lblb_args, ls_headers, 8080, iir_msgbox) Return "" end function
global function string getproductbyid (integer id); SoapConnection soapConnection ProductClientProxy productProxyObject long rVal, lLog string productName_string, str_endpoint str_endpoint = "http://services.xmethods.net:80/soap" soapConnection = create SoapConnection lLog = soapConnection.SetOptions("SoapLog=~"C:\ProductProxySoapLog.log~"") rVal = soapConnection.CreateInstance(productProxyObject, & "ProductClientProxy", str_endpoint) try productName_string = productProxyObject.GetProductName(id) // Invoke service messagebox("Product Detail", "Product Name : " & +productName_string) catch (SoapException e) messagebox("Error", "Cannot invoke Web service") Return "" // error handling end try destroy soapConnection Return productName_string end function
global function string callINETHyperlinkToURL (integer id) integer li_rc SetPointer(HourGlass!) li_rc = & HyperlinkToURL("https://www.visual-expert.com") Return "" end function
global function string callINETGET (integer id) integer li_rc internetresult luo_data // as defined above luo_data = CREATE internetresult SetPointer(HourGlass!) li_rc = & GetURL("https://www.visual-expert.com", luo_data) SetPointer(Arrow!) IF li_rc = 1 THEN MessageBox("Success!", string(luo_data)) ELSE MessageBox("Failure!", "Oops rc:" + string(li_rc)) END IF DESTROY luo_data Return "" end function
global function string callINETPOST (integer id) Blob lblb_args String ls_headers String ls_url Long ll_length veinternetresult iir_msgbox iir_msgbox = CREATE veinternetresult ls_url = "https://www.visual-expert.com/" ls_url += "EN/powerbuilder-code-pb/" ls_url += "function-source-analysis-documentation-impact.html?" lblb_args = blob("") ll_length = Len(lblb_args) ls_headers = "Content-Length: " & +String(ll_length) + "~n~n" PostURL &(ls_url, lblb_args, ls_headers, 8080, iir_msgbox) Return "" end function
Compliant Code Example
public function integer ve_postdata (string ve_data, long buffersize);integer isPost string ve_data integer ve_li_ret httpclient ve_client ve_li_ret = ve_client.postdata(ve_data,buffersize) return 1 end function
public function integer ve_getdata_package (string ve_url, ref jsonpackage json_pkg);string ls_json string ls_error integer ve_li_ret, li_i httpclient ve_client ve_li_ret = ve_client.sendrequest("GET", ve_url) if ve_li_ret < 0 then messagebox("Error","Failed") else ve_li_ret = ve_client.getresponsebody(ls_json) if ve_li_ret > 0 then ls_error = json_pkg.loadstring(ls_json) if ls_error = '' then else messagebox(gs_msg_title, "Load Jpackage Failed") end if end if end if return 1 end function