Boolean literals should not be redundant
The "Boolean literals should not be redundant" rule states that when writing PowerBuilder code, Boolean literals (true/false) should not be used redundantly. This means that if a Boolean value is already established, it should not be repeated unnecessarily. For example, if a Boolean value has already been set to "true," it should not be written again as "true" in the same code.
Key Benefits
- Prevent redundancy : Helps to prevent redundant Boolean literals in code.
- Improve readability : Enhances the readability of code by avoiding unnecessary Boolean literals.
- Optimization : Optimizes the code by avoiding unnecessary Boolean literals.
Non-compliant Code Example
function string TestFunctionCall (BOOLEAN isValid) BOOLEAN flag = true; if flag = False then //Non compliant code messagebox('is false') end if if isValid = True then //Non compliant code messagebox('is true') end if if Not isValid then messagebox('not') end if return " end function
Compliant Code Example
function string TestFunctionCall (BOOLEAN isValid) BOOLEAN flag = true; if Not flag then //Compliant code messagebox('is false') end if if isValid then //Compliant code messagebox('is true') end if if Not isValid then messagebox('not') end if return " end function