
Calling the Java class in PowerBuilder is no longer supported


    The rule states that "Calling the Java class in PowerBuilder is no longer supported in PowerBuilder 2022", this means that developers can no longer use these objects in their PowerBuilder 2022 applications, and any existing applications that were built with these objects will need to be updated to use other methods. o The EJBConnection, EJBTransaction, and JavaVM objects are no longer supported. Also The CreateJavaVM function is no longer supported. This change reflects the changing landscape of application development and the need for developers to use more modern methods and technologies.

Key Benefits

  • Faster development: By not having to call the Java class, developers can focus on the more important tasks, such as debugging and testing, and complete projects faster.
  • Less complexity: Without having to call the Java class, developers can reduce the complexity of their projects and avoid potential issues.
  • Improved security: By not having to call the Java class, developers can reduce the risk of security vulnerabilities and protect their applications.
  • Reduced maintenance: Without having to call the Java class, developers can reduce the amount of time spent on maintenance and focus on other tasks.


Non-compliant Code Example

global function void ejbconnectionSample3 ();

    JavaVM l_jvm                //Non compliant code
    EJBConnection l_ejbconn     //Non compliant code
    EJBTransaction trans        //Non compliant code
    java_integer val
    l_jvm = CREATE JavaVM       //Non compliant code
    l_EJBConn = CREATE EJBConnection    //Non compliant code
          IF l_jvm.createJavaVM("", false) >= 0 THEN      //Non compliant code
            string ls_props[]
            ls_props[1] = "javax.naming.Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY=
            ls_props[2] ="javax.naming.Context.PROVIDER_URL=t3://svr1:7001"
            ls_props[3] = "javax.naming.Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL=myid"
            ls_props[4] = "javax.naming.Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS=mypass"
            l_EJBConn.connectToServer(ls_props)             //Non compliant code
            l_EJBConn.createJavaInstance(val, "java_integer")     //Non compliant code
            trans = conn.GetEjbTransaction          //Non compliant code
            trans.begin()                           //Non compliant code
            MessageBox("The value is", val.IntValue())
            MessageBox("createJavaVM", "Failed", StopSign!)
          END IF
        CATCH (Throwable g)
          MessageBox("Exception in createJavaInstance", g.getMessage())
end function
Visual Expert 2024