Boolean checks should not be inverted
The rule "Boolean checks should not be inverted" states that Boolean checks should not be written in a way that reverses the logic of the check. This means that the code should not use "not" or "!" to invert the result of a Boolean check. Instead, the code should be written in a way that directly expresses the logic of the check.
Key Benefits
- Eliminates Errors: By not inverting Boolean checks, errors can be eliminated as the code is more readable and easier to debug.
- Improves Performance: By not inverting Boolean checks, the code runs faster as the compiler can optimize the code better.
- Reduces Complexity: By not inverting Boolean checks, the code is more straightforward and easier to understand.
Non-compliant Code Example
BEGIN IF NOT salary >= 20000 THEN --Non compliant code (IF condition is having inverted boolean check) ILevel := 'Average Salary'; ELSIF (NOT (salary < 20000)) and (NOT (salary >= 60000)) THEN --Non compliant code (ELSE IF condition is having inverted boolean check) ILevel := 'Average Salary'; ELSIF salary > 6000 and salary <= 110000 THEN ILevel := 'Moderate Salary'; ELSE ILevel := 'High Salary'; END IF; END;
Compliant Code Example
BEGIN IF salary <= 20000 THEN --Compliant code ILevel := 'Average Salary'; ELSIF salary > 20000 and salary <= 60000 THEN --Compliant code ILevel := 'Average Salary'; ELSIF salary > 6000 and salary <= 110000 THEN ILevel := 'Moderate Salary'; ELSE ILevel := 'High Salary'; END IF; END;