Boolean literals should not be redundant
The "Boolean literals should not be redundant" rule states that when writing PL/SQL code, Boolean literals should not be used redundantly. This means that if a Boolean literal is already established, it should not be repeated. This rule is important for writing efficient and effective code, as repeating Boolean literals can lead to confusion and errors.
Key Benefits
- Eliminates Redundancy: Boolean literals should not be redundant, as this helps to reduce the amount of code that needs to be written and maintained.
- Improves Readability: Boolean literals should not be redundant, as this makes the code easier to read and understand.
- Increases Efficiency: Boolean literals should not be redundant, as this helps to optimize the code and make it run faster.
- Reduces Errors: Boolean literals should not be redundant, as this helps to reduce the chances of errors occurring in the code.
Non-compliant Code Example
DECLARE flag BOOLEAN := TRUE; BEGIN IF flag = FALSE THEN --Non compliant code (Boolean literals is redundant) DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('flag is false!'); ELSIF flag = TRUE THEN --Non compliant code (Boolean literals is redundant) DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('flag is true!'); END IF; END;
Compliant Code Example
DECLARE flag BOOLEAN := TRUE; BEGIN IF NOT flag THEN --Compliant code DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('flag is false!'); ELSIF flag THEN --Compliant code DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('flag is true!'); END IF; END;